“When the schools closed in March, Tiya was initially very happy to be home. As the time passed, she started missing her school, her daily routine, her friends and her teachers. We tried teaching her through material downloaded off the internet, through games, through songs, etc, but it was so hard to have her focus for more than 10 minutes. When MFMS introduced the virtual platform, we were initially very reluctant. Like any other parent, our concerns were screen time, security, and more importantly, how would a 4 year old focus for half an hour or an hour and be able to grasp all the information. We decided to give it a try, and were very pleasantly surprised. Tiya actually looks forward to her sessions and her routine is back on track. Through the virtual classroom, she gets to socialize to quite some extent to her teachers and friends and she has overcome her shyness. We also signed up for the one-one-one tutoring and she has shown so much progress in the past couple of months. Her teacher does an outstanding job at making the session as interactive as possible, and manages to keep her engaged for the entire hour. Sometimes, by just listening to the conversation, we don’t realize that her teacher is sitting miles away from her, but rather in a classroom and teaching her one-on-one. It is good to see how she is also learning to use technology during her session, which to us is amazing.”